What tie knot for a wedding

July 29, 2021

What is the best tie knot for a wedding?

You have finally chosen the perfect tie for your wedding! This is exactly what you want and everything is now taken care of. Until you get to the big question, what is the best tie knot for a wedding ?

So you go to Google or ask Alexa and you discover that there are actually many knots you can tie with your tie and choosing the right one is vital for a wedding!

Whether you're the groom, the best man or a guest, the type of bow you wear can make the difference between an elegant, sophisticated outfit and a school outfit.

So let us help you find the perfect knot for your wedding!


The best tie knot for a wedding is one that is elegant, attention-grabbing, and best suited for formal occasions.


The Windsor knot

Man Tied with Windsor Knot 

The most popular, common and elegant of all the knots that are worn on such an occasion is the Windsor knot. This is the tie knot to wear for all your big, more formal occasions, such as a wedding.


The Windsor knot, whose origins date back to the Duke of Windsor in the 20th century, is a triangular and symmetrical knot, which goes very well with shirts with open or wide collars.

It requires a little more fabric to give a more voluminous triangular shape which draws a nice amount of attention to the beautiful tie you have chosen, and this is why it is quite often worn by the groom as they like to stand out a little more!

Here is a beautiful photo from one of our weddings of the groomsmen wearing a Windsor knot. You can see that it's a little bulkier than the usual bow and draws a little more attention to their tie.


To tie a Windsor knot, follow these steps

Drawing How to Tie the Windsor Knot

  • Cross the wide end over the narrow end near your collar.
  • Pass the wide end through the tie collar loop.
  • Pass the wide end under the knot.
  • Pass the wide end over the neck loop to tie a symmetrical knot.
  • Pull the wide end over the front of the know.
  • Pass the tie through the bottom of the neckband.
  • Pull the tie down through the loop in front of the knot.
  • Hold the narrow end and pull the knot toward the collar until it is comfortable.

You will have more details in our article how to tie the Windsor knot .


The half Windsor knot

Man with Tie Tied with Half Windsor Knot 

The half Windsor knot is almost identical to the Windsor knot, but it is less thick and easier to tie, but it still works well on shirts with open or wide collars. It is most commonly used for ties with slippery or thin fabric. Although it is a slightly more casual knot, the half Windsor knot is still elegant and one of the best bows to wear to a wedding!


To tie a half Windsor knot, follow these steps

 Drawing How to Tie the Half Windsor Knot

  • Cross the wide end over the narrow end near your collar.
  • Pass the wide end through the neck loop
  • Wrap the wide end around the back of the knot.
  • Pull the tie around the front of the knot.
  • Pass the wide end through the lower part of the collar.
  • Pass the end through the loop at the front of the knot to tighten it.

You will have more details in our article how to tie the half-Windsor knot .


The Eldredge Knot

Man Tied Tie with Eldredge Knot 

Although the Windsor or Half-Windsor knot is the best and most popular knot to wear at a wedding, there are some more creative and elegant knots you can try!

Another elegant knot, but a bit more complicated, is the Eldredge knot . It has a few more steps, but it's very eye-catching and sophisticated. The knot comes in the form of a long triangular braid which you can see above.


The simple knot

Man Tied Tie With Simple Knot 

If this all seems like too much and you don't feel like getting creative and just want a simple, classic look , the simple bow is perfect for weddings and just about any occasion and only requires very little effort to do it .


Below are the steps for creating the simple node

How to Tie a Simple Knot 

  • Cross the wide end over the narrow end
  • Wrap the wide end around the narrow end
  • Pass the wide end through the loop around your neck.
  • Hold the front of the knot loosely with your index finger and bring the wide end down through the front loop.
  • Remove your finger and tighten the knot by holding the narrow end and sliding the knot up until it is comfortable.

You will have more details in our article how to tie the simple knot .


To "tie" it, the Windsor or Half-Windsor knot is the best one can wear to a wedding, but there are many other ways to tie a knot and as long as it suits the occasion, you can be as creative or simple as you want.

Hope this helped and answered your question! If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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